The core business of a Swedish Trust Company should be Trust Management, which can include the management of any type of asset without restrictions. However, if the Swedish Trust Company has a too strong focus on payment services, currency exchange or other related activity, additional license requirements could be triggered. See our Resources section for articles elaborating further on this.
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, the financial regulator in Sweden (Finansinspektionen) has taken the rather peculiar stance lately that Crypto Exchanges and wallet providers should be licensed as forex brokerages. This despite the fact that the Swedish Central Bank has repeatedly confirmed that crypto currency is not money/currency in any shape or form. However, this does not mean that a Trust Company cannot manage cryptocurrencies. Please visit our Resources section for further details.
The Swedish Trust Company is registered with a Supervisory Authority in Sweden for AML/CFT purposes. As a Regulated Provider, the Swedish Trust Company needs extensive AML/CFT compliance policies with regards to KYC, Suspicious Transaction Reporting, Risk Assessments etc. Our Swedish Trust Companies come complete with the required AML/CFT policiy documentation.
No, the Swedish Trust Company is not subject to annual license renewal fees or the like. You only need to maintain a Swedish mailing address.
No, a Swedish Trust Company can be formed with owners of any nationality and resident anywhere in the world.
No, the Swedish Trust Company simply needs to maintain a mailing address in Sweden as a legal address. A virtual mailing address can be obtained online in seconds at a cost of approximately EUR 200 / year.
Processing time for the formation of a new Swedish Trust Company with the name of your choice is 2-4 weeks. We also have existing off-the-shelf entities for sale from time to time. Deployment time for the EBANQ White Label Banking Software is 24-48 hours.
Yes, please visit our Resources section for links to the site where you can verify Swedish company registration status as well as the registration as Regulated Provider for AML/CFT purposes.